With lenders under pressure to keep headline rates low many have increased the upfront fees they charge borrowers to move to new deals. It is vital that you get expert advice to ensure that the total cost of the loan does not outweigh the monthly saving. Also you may be able to switch your mortgage deal with your current lender, avoiding any unnecessary costs.
We have over 25 years experience of arranging mortgages and have access to an extensive range of remortgage products many of which are not available from high street lenders. As a result we are able offer a truly tailored and personable service built around you the client. We will ascertain your individual needs, preferences and circumstances before recommending a mortgage.
We can also provide advice if you need to release equity from your property or consolidate other debts.
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You may have an early repayment charge with your current lender and should check before re-mortgaging. We would always advise you to think carefully before securing other debts against your home.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.